Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Psoa ... Don't do that

It hurts when I move my right leg forward. You kind of need to do that when you run. This could be due to an issue with my psoas, or it could possibly be something else. The psoa muscle winds from the side of the spine, around the hip to the front of the leg, and attaches (eventually) to the femur.  My pain is at the top-front of my thigh. Although I'm not quite so sure what exactly it is, I do know that I've experienced it before at the Sam Alpern Half-Marathon.

((My Dad's old Vaudeville joke: A guy goes to the doctor, saying, "Doc, it hurts when I raise my arm like this." The doctor asks, "Did you every have this before?" The guy answers in the affirmative. The doctor then makes his diagnosis: "Well, you've got it again." ... Alternative scenario. A guy goes to the doctor, saying, "Doc, it hurts when I raise my arm like this." The doctor says, "Well then don't do that."))

You know the way you should listen to your body and know when to back off hard training to prevent small pains from becoming big ones? I never learned how to do that. On the other hand, it's not quite completely awful yet. Maybe I'm nipping it in the bud by taking things easier than planned this week. Naaah.

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