Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pan American Masters Games 5000

Today's Pan American Masters Games 5000-meter race was similar in several ways to Sunday's 1500-meter run. But first, the differences:

-This race consisted of several age groups cobbled together. The 20+ of us ranged in age from 60 to 89. We would still score within our age groups.

-At 12 1/2 laps, 5000 meters is a lot longer than 1500. I didn't think the distance would be a big deal, but in that mid-day heat, it was.

-I went into the race slightly more confident and self-assured. I shouldn't have.

-On Sunday, I ran faster as the race progressed. Today, it was quite the opposite.

Now for the similarities:

-Did I mention that it was hot? Even though the temperature was similar (upper 80s), the heat took its toll on me more today.

-Like Sunday, I wasn't overly concerned about my time. Again, I ran slower than I thought I could, but, as they say, it's a race, not a time trial.

-Once again, I was impressed with the fast runners. And even the slow ones (who were mere mortals like myself). Overall, I was in the middle of the pack today.

-Like Sunday, I finished well behind Bill Long, who wound up second. I was third, so I received another PAMG Bronze Medal. My time was 26:03, over a minute slower than my last road 5K. Did I mention that it's a race, not a time trial? Oh, I guess I did.

Next comes the PAMG Half-Marathon scheduled for Sunday.

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