Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A New Day

Awake at my usual 4am, I immediately turned on the tv in my London hotel room. John McCain was on several channels, making his wonderful concession speech. It reminded me of why I voted for him. In the 2000 primary, that is.

A short time later I watched Barack Obama give his now famous great Chicago speech. It reminded me of why I voted for him. In 2008.

What a great and historic time this is. This must rank with the other historic events I've witnessed in my lifetime. It's a new day. And it's exciting to be alive.


Clifford Running said...

Way to go OBAMA!!!! Let's see where he can take us!
You were missed last night at Speed Work, it was just Dan D and I and the tracks were both being used and it was very dark in Reagan Park!!! I will check out Root before coming next week, if the tracks are being used, maybe we can go there? What did you guys do last year in the dark?
A new day for the USA :)!!!!

Dan D. said...

Glad to hear we're not the only Obama supporters in Medina County! And the closest I've come to London is the U.K. pavilion at Epcot. If you're back home before the weekend and plan on doing your Saturday morning run, let me know. I might be up for a long run this weekend, if you'd want another along that is.