Thursday, July 02, 2020

Day 63: Please Excuse the Fartlek

I don't always fartlek, but when I do, I make sure everyone knows about it. That, my friends, is the purpose of this post.

Starting out, I don't have much in the way of specific goals. That is, other than to run ten or more miles. And there's also that thought that something of substance would be a plus. When I get to my course decision point, I determine that it would be best to head North to North Park.

Once I hit the asphalt lake trail, I pick it up to tempo pace. And once I start running those eight-ish paced miles, I must continue. Five loops equal two miles, and things seem to be going well. When that's completed, I start running back to the South, trying hard to keep the pace going for at least one more mile.

I do it! The third mile is slightly slower than the other two, but I'll gladly take it. There are days when I am able to continue going at this pace - sometimes for the entire final three-mile distance home. But I slow down to catch my breath. Today will not be one of those days.

I do manage some short intervals at a slightly faster, up-tempo pace. I try to continue these until I arrive back home. Fartlek: it's not just for breakfast anymore.

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