Friday, July 17, 2020

Day 78: Cause and Effect *you've got it again

"Don't sleep on your back. It's causing you to snore and sneeze and become stuffed up." I answer, groggily, something to the effect that she had the cause and effect wrong. I was sleeping on my back because I was sneezing and stuffed up, not the other way around. I leave the room where it happened to try to fall back asleep in the living room. This doesn't work either. I do some Zicam, get some coffee, and eventually, make my way outside for my run.

I only wish I knew the original cause. It seems an awful lot like a cold. I do know that stuffy nose and sneezing are not Covid-19 symptoms, so that's not a concern. This same thing happened two weeks ago. (Dan: I've got these head cold symptoms. Doc: Ever have this before? Dan: Yes, two weeks ago. Doc: You've got it again.)

The run begins predictably poorly. I can only manage three miles outside, so I get on the mill for seven more. This part goes surprisingly well. I even get down to tempo run pace.

Now I'm not so stuffy anymore.

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