Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Day 82: Share the Love

Most of my running is solitary these days. I do better and enjoy it more when I run with others, but that's not usually in the cards for me, especially in these Covid-19 Pandemic times. So when long-time-but-not-so-much-lately-training-partner Michelle Wolff asked if I wanted to join her for a Tuesday track training trot, I jumped at the chance.

Her goal was to do three miles at AT but close to tempo pace, then another mile at a faster pace. Amid the rain, beautiful sunrise, and pink rainbow, we did all that. I then went on to run three more 800s.

So I suppose you could say there was a little bit of everything today: rain, sunrise, rainbow, tempo (ish), and various interval lengths. All (or at least most) whilst sharing the joy and misery of the track.

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