Sunday, July 19, 2020

Day 80: Like Last Week. Sorta

Last Sunday, I managed to get my long run in and amongst the hills of Hinckley. The plan was for more of the same this time around. In fact, things were going swimmingly. Until they weren't.

Running partners Dennis Amstutz and Theresa Wright are waiting for me at the turn from Ledge Road onto Kellogg Road. Up until a couple miles ago, things had gone extremely well. Like last week, I'd managed to start early and get three lake loops in before beginning this niner. But the wall hit me very quickly, and I'd watched those two easily move up (up Effie) and away. Now, I'm shuffling, and not doing well even at that.

"You didn't have to wait," I say, "I know the way." Theresa just chuckles and smirks. But then Dennis does something that makes a huge difference for me. He hands me a Gu brand gel. After a minute or so, I'm back to the pace I'd been at, and I'm keeping up with my intrepid partners once again.

It turns out to be a pretty good day, despite the heat, despite the early start, and despite that (temporary) crash.

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