Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Calf Problems - 2005-07-27

My right calf has been hurting for a week or so now. I hope it's just a muscle pull and not something worse - like a stress fracture.

It's finally starting to cool off - only low 70s with light rain and still high humility for this morning's run. It's supposed to cool down a bunch from now on. Still, the humility got to me big time. That and the calf problem.

I thought things would go well when I weighed in at 158 - the best in months. But I knew during that first rep that this would not be my day. I wanted to do the usual 3 sets of 1600, 1200, 800. I only got through 2, even though I tried to start the 3rd set. The calf and the humility were just too much.

I guess I should be happy to do as much as I did. The reps were slow (6:37,4:56,3:12,6:38,4:54,3:11), but not a total disaster.

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