Monday, July 04, 2005

Medina Twin Sizzler Race Reports

I was running a bit late, but thought I had enough time. The 5K began at 7:45; the 10K at 9:15. I arrived at the Medina YWCA for their Twin Sizzler Races with about 15 minutes to spare. No problem.

Except that there was *nobody* around. Where the heck was the race? Since the YWCA was the organizer and benefactor, it would've made too much sense to have it there. I drove on to the Medina town square - the third choice would be the high school. I saw runners about at the square, so that was the place. I parked the car, sprinted over to the registration area, registered for both races, sprinted back to the car to drop off the shirt and other stuff, then sprinted to the 5K start. All within 5 minutes before the starting cow bell.

I got a kick out of the pre-race announcements:
"We will now have a drawing for a door prize"
(15 seconds of silence)
"We will now hear a few words from our mayor"
(2 seconds of silence)

*I*, who had just arrived, was still pinning my number on, and only had it half-on when I had to get moving. It was hot and sunny, but I was trying to keep cool and save something for the 10K. First - mostly down hill - mile went by in 6:56. Second, mostly uphill mile went by in 7:06. I picked it up for the last one and finished in 20:35, so the last 1.1 was 6:32. As much as I hate to admit it, it may have been short - I didn't feel like I had picked it up quite that much. Especially with that last hill up to the finish. But it's about what I thought I'd do, so I'll take it.

Now came the 10K. Could I do sub-40? Last week's 42 was pretty bad; surely I could do better today, even though the heat was bad once again, and I had just done that 5K. I tried to stay loose, but cool for the interim.

Unfortunately, it just kept getting hotter and hotter. At least there were no mishaps at the start this time. Got through the first mile in 6:39. Not too bad, but I needed to pick it up just a bit. Second mile: 7:09. Oh Oh. That was nearly all-out. Doesn't bode well for the rest of the race. Third mile: 7:03. (1st 5K was probably about 21:30 or so) Sub-40 is completely out the door. Maybe I could still improve on last week's 42 though. All I'd have to do is pick it up. But my legs and the relentless sun said nothing doing: miles 4 and 5 were 7:06, 7:21. I was once again able to pick it up just a bit for the last 1.2 for 8:10, and a finishing time of 43:31.

Seems like the more I try to get faster, the slower I become.


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