Monday, June 01, 2020

Day 32: That's not a Hill

When you hear, That's not a Hill, think of it in the voice of Crocodile Dundee, famous for That's not a Knife.

Today's ten included four easy and six hard miles. Those last six were (barely) at LT, or tempo pace. But oh, that last hill. It's the one I run nearly every day to get back up the street to my house. It's not much. In fact, it's not much at all. My best deciphering tells me that it's about 23 feet. Unless you're hill challenged like I am, you might even say, that's not a hill.

Today, as is sometimes the case, I was trying to hold onto a certain pace as I encountered this final hill. Sometimes, I can. I did today.

That last hill

Decent pace (for me) for the final six miles

Mile by mile

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