Saturday, June 20, 2020

Day 51: Accidental Long Run

The funny thing about long runs is that you nearly always need to plan for them. They generally don't just happen. But nearly never (for unplanned long runs) isn't quite the same as never.

I already had a long run for this week. It wasn't a good eighteen-miler, but at least it was there in the books. Therefore, today's run didn't need to be all that far. Just the bare minimum of ten to eleven. But a funny thing happened: the more I ran, the more it began to seem like I can do this. 'This', being a long run.

It helps to have the time. Especially when the pace is this slow. There were those early five in the hood. Then a pit stop. Then heading out for another six or more. It's the or more part where it happened. Heading over to Brunswick Lake, I began to feel pretty decent. After a few one-mile loops, I felt even better.

Then I bumped into an old running friend, Rick Roman. We ran a few more loops together, and I was now moving faster still. Eventually, I was up to around fifteen, and it was time to head home. Those final three were tough, but I'll call this a halfway decent, accidental long run.

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