Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day 44: You can observe a lot, just by watching

At 5:00 AM, I'm off and running on the Lester Rail Trail. I am having thoughts of doing a long run of eighteen or more miles today, even though I've already logged one long run earlier this week.

I'm tired, and I start slowly. At about four miles, I spot a woodpecker on the ground in front of me. When it sees me, it flies up into a nearby tree, but it occurs to me that this may be the closest I've come to a live woodpecker in the wild. A few miles later, I encounter a wild turkey hen with four tiny chicks in tow. Again, it may the closest I've come to creatures like this in the wild as well. Yogi Berra's line,  you can observe a lot, just by watching, comes to mind.

As cool as the wildlife is, and as pretty as the morning sunrise is, I am not having a good day, running wise. I simply cannot get moving at a decent pace. Instead, I only get more and more tired, and this causes me to run slower and slower. It's probably just the overall GVRAT mileage catching up with me. I suppose I was about due for a real stinker - one that I wasn't expecting. Well, I got it.

I terminated the run at eleven miles. Tomorrow's another day.

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