Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Day 33: Ya, so it went fine

Been a while. I used to do Yasso workouts fairly regularly, especially leading up to some of my more successful marathons in recent years. A Yasso workout is ten half-mile intervals (10 x 800 meters). Here is some further information about Yassos from a previous post. And there have been other posts about it as well. Click here and here for a couple of the ones I'm sort of proud of.

I love everything about the track. And as of yesterday, the Medina tracks are OPEN again. It's been a while. And as mentioned, it's been a while since I've done a decent Yasso. (I have been doing some 1200s on the mill.) Today's workout was slower than some I've done in the past, but coming amidst all the high mileage and yesterday's tempo run, I'm right proud of it.

The only bad thing is that now I have to recover from these two consecutive tough workouts, and still get another ten miles in tomorrow. And the day after. And so on.

Anatomy of 10 x 800

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