Thursday, May 21, 2020

Day 21: Smart Running

Six miles into the run, I turn from Oxford onto Princeton. Been a while since I've hit a whole lot of these smart-sounding streets, but here I am. After Princeton, I hit Stanford, Yale, Dartmouth, and perhaps a few others before winding up on Harvard.

After all that, and now eight miles in, I move on over to the presidential streets. First, there's Jefferson, then Coolidge, Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt (who knows which one), Harding, McKinley, and Garfield. I won't mention the golf-course or female name streets.

My run ends, as usual, when I make it to ten miles. That's four double-digit runs in a row, pretty much what I need to be doing these GVRAT days. But is it smart? I dunno, but after traversing those university streets, I ought to be protected. No?

Next comes the weekend. That's where I really crank up the mileage.

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