Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day 24: Fork in the Road? Take it!

Heading South on Substation, approaching Sleepy Hollow Road, and there's a decision to be made. Right will take me on an eleven-mile route, Straight will bring me on a different eleven-mile route, and Left will take me on a nine-to-ten-mile route. I kind of wanted to run eleven today, because that would add up to eighty or so running miles for the week. I say running miles because I still designate the extra walking ones to keep separate track of them. Of course, I still include all running and walking miles for GVRAT. Alas, my Garmin Forerunner 45 makes the decision for me, and it's the shorter route. I'm running so slow that it's all I have time for.

On Sleepy Hollow, I'm on the left side, facing oncoming traffic. There isn't much on a Sunday. I hear a car approaching from behind, so I move farther to the left, just to be safe. He (I'm sure it's a he) suddenly steps on the gas and goes left of center in order to scare the daylights out of me. It does; I nearly need to stop to clean up, as more than daylights are almost scared out of me.

A few miles later, I'm heading north on Kent Drive. Under the 25-MPH speed limit sign is an electronic 'Your Speed is' sign, the kind where your speed is displayed as a flashing number. I used to be able to get these things to work for me when I'm running, but not lately. Today, it does work! It tells me that I'm going 6, and then 7 and 8 as I purposely speed up. I'm not sure why I get a kick out of this, but it never fails for me.

As I get closer to home, I realize that my slow pace has improved, although only slightly. I may possibly be able to add a little on here to get closer to that higher weekly mileage milestone. What do I do? Just head home for nine and change. Enough is enough.

The reason for the time constraint is a family hike in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Here I am with Malcolm and Vincent

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