Thursday, May 28, 2020

Day 28: I don't need it good, I need it Wednesday.

"I don't need it good, I need it Wednesday.” I heard that in relation to a Hollywood Producer asking for a film score to be completed sooner than the composer liked. It relates to today's running in this way. In order to complete the there and back 2000K course of the Great Virtual Run Across Tennessee (GVRAT), I have to average over ten miles per day. I've been successful so far, but I have a long way to go. Not all the runs have been gems. But that's okay, so long as I complete the required mileage.

Today's run was not a gem. I ran most of the miles outside in the rain, and those were so slow, I thought I'd never finish. In fact, I didn't. I got most of them in, but then finished on the mill.

By the way, I'm in Chattanooga. 

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